Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paris Hilton Went to Jail and All I Got Was This Smug Satisfaction.

So, Paris went to prison.
I think I peed a little with sheer joy. Of course, she's out now, but the point is : PARIS HILTON WENT TO JAIL!!
I hope this is the start of a new trend where celebrities are held accountable for their actions. Just because they are famous does not mean they get to follow a certain set of rules. They break the law, they get punished.
Why is it so hard for us regular folk to punish the famous? Do we fear them? I mean, celebrities can't love us any less. They don't even know us. Are we scared that they might get angry? What could they possibly take away from us? Are we frightened that they may not like us? Is that why we bow and scrape and let them do whatever they want?
I just don't get it.